As we enter December, I always look forward to Holiday beer hitting the shelves. So I decided to test a few pints of Winter Ales. Winter starts on 12/21, the Winter Solstice, and the shortest day of the year. That means, that the next day, we start to get a few more minutes of daylight, and each day thereafter, we get a few minutes more. Certainly worthy of celebration, so here we go with a few new tests.
Jubelale is produced by Deschutes Brewery out of Bend, Oregon. I have tested a few of their beers with success on most. Deschutes beer is fairly well distributed, selling in 32 states in the US and a few countries. So come Oct-Dec, Jubelale is likely available in your area.
Test results for Jubelale were positive for >5ppm. I wish it were otherwise as the aroma is crisp and light, and reminds me of holiday spices. I also really like the name, it evokes celebration and joy. But with a positive result, I did not drink this ale. If you want to see reviews on Jubelale, check out Untappd.
If you want more information on the test kits, see the Testing Kits Page.
Bad Santa Dark Ale
Pelican Brewing has a fantastic selection. Born out of Canon beach, OR, they distribute mostly within state. I usually seek more broadly distributed beer, but could not resist the name. Seasonally they release a Cascadian Dark Ale known as Bad Santa. Brewed with pale ale, Melanoidin, and dehusked black malt, and Magnum, Fuggle, Willamette, and Cascade hops, it is dark and rich in appearance with a sweet nose.
Test results for Bad Santa showed <5ppm, or negative. So I drank it. Rich and malty, some chocolate with notes of spice. It’s the good kind of bad at 7.5% ABV. And as stated on the bottle: Bad Santa doesn’t care if you are naughty or nice.
below are the test results with lines over the “C” and the “O” and no line over the “T”.
Winter Coat
Winter Coat is produced by Stormbreaker Brewing. I was attracted to the interesting label and intrigued by the notion of tangerine and cocoa as highlights noted. It is a smaller brewing company, but has a number of awards and I’m hoping expands beyond Oregon.
Winter Coat tested as positive for >5ppm, so I did not consume it. There were clear lines over the “C” and the “O” and a very light line over the “T”. It is very hard to read, but the result is there.
If you are interested in reviewing more beers that have been tested.Click on the image below to go to the test results table.
Whatever holiday you celebrate, and even though COVID has made it difficult as heck, I wish you a joyous and happy celebration doing what ever it is you love to do with the people that you love the most.
Peace and Cheers!
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