Over the years, I watched others drink Fat Tire with great envy. I missed this Belgian style ale by New Belgium. It ranks at 5.2% for ABV.
New Belgium distributes broadly in the US , being the 4th largest craft brewer in the country, available in 50 states as of August 2017. So it should be pretty easy to find them in your local supermarket or favorite beer store. They also have direct shipping to your door in a few select states.
Hops used are Willamette, Goldings, and Nugget and Malts used are Pale, C-80, Munich, Victory. You can find out more about Fat Tire, including tasting notes, here.
Fat Tire Results
I applied the same procedure to Fat Tire Ale as the other tests so far, using Reveal 3-D. Note the lines below only at positions O and C and none at T, indicated a result <5ppm. Imagine my surprise with this one. I quite enjoyed drinking this straight from the cold bottle and can say I had no reaction after consuming. If you would like to know more, see the Testing Kit page for how to read results.
It’s a little hard to read the results, I often use a magnifying glass to see if the red line emerges over the T. But in this case, it was as clear as a bell.
If you landed on this page and are curious about other test results, you can find a table of summarized results for many beers, such as Guinness, Stone IPA, Smithwick’s Red Ale, Bass Ale and others by clicking on the image below:

For additional curiosity, find out the calories in your favorite beer just by popping in the ABV% with this new calculator. Click on the image below to give it a try.

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